Patient Relations
We strive to deliver exemplary patient experiences, always. We recognize that sometimes patients and their families may have concerns or wish to share their positive patient experience with us. To make continuous improvements we want and need to hear from you.
Who should I contact regarding a complaint, compliment or comment about the care I received at Halton Healthcare?
We suggest that, where possible, you first share your feedback with a member of your care team. They can immediately respond to your concerns and make changes.
If your concern requires further attention, or you feel it should be addressed by someone not directly providing your care, you are welcome to contact the Patient Care Manager on the unit where you are receiving care. If this is not possible, you may contact Patient Relations by phone, in writing through mail or email or in person.
Kelly Ingram or Cheryl Murphy, Patient Relations Advisors.
Monday – Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm. The office is closed on statutory holidays.
Telephone: 905-338-4138 (if we are unavailable to take your call, please leave a brief message and your call will be returned as soon as possible)
Please let us know if you require communication supports to provide feedback and we will work with you to meet your needs.
Please note: if you are providing feedback for someone other than yourself, Halton Healthcare must have consent of the patient (or their parent/guardian) before disclosing any information to a third party. If the patient is not capable of providing consent, we will require consent from the patient’s Substitute Decision Maker (SDM).
When contacting us by email or letter, please include the following information:
- Your name and phone number
- If you are not the patient, please add the patient’s name, date of birth or address, and your relationship to the patient
- Details of your experience, including location (hospital, unit or clinic), persons involved, and date
- Have you spoken to anyone on the care team about your concern?
- Would you like someone to follow-up with you? If so, what questions would you like answered or what is your hope for resolution?
How can Patient Relations help me?
Patient Relations can:
- Support you and your family to resolve any concerns they may have about the care they have received at Halton Healthcare
- Facilitate effective communication between you and your healthcare team
- Share your ‘Compliments and Concerns’ with your healthcare team
Our Patient Relations Process
Patient Relations will seek to respond to your feedback and assist you in resolving any issues or concerns you or your family may have.
- When you contact Patient Relations with an issue or concern, we will acknowledge receipt, within 5 business days.
- We will explain the process to you and obtain information related to your issue or concern from you. If you are not the patient, we will also explain how privacy legislation will affect our ability to communicate any follow-up information to you.
- We will look into the facts related to your concerns by connecting with members of your healthcare team, reviewing your records and discussing your concerns with the appropriate program leadership.
- We will work with you in a professional manner and keep you informed of our progress at appropriate intervals.
- We will provide a response to address your concerns and discuss any potential resolution with you.
- We strive to do our best within our internal constraints to resolve your complaint. We understand that resolution is subjective. If you remain dissatisfied with the proposed resolution, we can help you to appeal to our Director of Patient Relations or the provincial Patient Ombudsman office.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I obtain a copy of my health records?
Who do I contact if I have questions about my hospital account?
Who do I talk to about clinic appointments?
- Please visit our Services page, and click on the area you’re trying to contact for more information
How do I find a family doctor in Halton?
- Please visit our Need a Family Doctor page
- To obtain a referral to a specialist, please speak with your family physician
I need help at home. How do I arrange service?
I’ve lost personal belongings. What do I do?
- Halton Healthcare does not take responsibility for any lost or misplaced patient or visitor belongings.
- The hospital recommends that patients avoid bringing belongings with them to Halton Healthcare. This includes, but is not limited to, cash, jewelry, keys, watches, belts, clothing, and footwear. Patients are also responsible for items they need on a daily basis, such as glasses, hearing aids, dentures, and medications. Where possible we suggest that patients pass their belongings to a friend of family member for safekeeping.
- To keep personal belongings safe, we recommend that patients, caregivers, or family members:
- Label items whenever possible
- Check with your denture provider about the options available for labeling dentures
- Bring an appropriate storage container for their belongings and ensure it can be accessed daily
- Never leave dentures, hearing aids, glasses or phones on the meal tray
- Check the tray table, bedside table, and patient locker for belongings when transferring rooms or being discharged home
- Ask staff to return any medications brought to hospital
- If you have lost your belongings while at the hospital, we will do our best to help locate them. Please report the missing items to the unit/area Manager immediately. If you have already left the hospital, please contact Patient Relations to coordinate a search.
Have you recently contacted Patient Relations?
Your voice matters! At Halton Healthcare, we strive to provide the best possible care and experience for our patients and their families. We welcome your feedback about the Patient Relations process. Your input will help us identify areas where we can improve and ensure that we continue to provide exemplary patient experiences, always.
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. Responses are confidential and anonymous.