Care Begins With Clean Hands

Hand washing is your best defense against infection. Please remember to clean your hands often and when entering and exiting our hospitals.

Your Stay

When you are admitted to the hospital, you or your family will be asked a number of questions. We will confirm your name and address, health card number, supplemental health insurance coverage, allergies and special dietary needs. You will be given a hospital identification bracelet that includes this important information. This band will be checked often during your stay.

What to bring

Your Health card (OHIP card) and proof of additional insurance coverage, if required. 

Personal Items: You are encouraged to bring your own sleepwear, underwear, bathrobe and slippers, eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, and personal care items such as shampoo, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste.

Medications: Bring all your medications (in their original bottles) and/or a complete list of your medications. This includes a record of your prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications such as vitamins, supplements, herbal remedies and any other non-prescription medications as well as a list of the dosages and the frequency of each medication you are taking.

Visit our “Your Medication List” page to learn more about the importance of medication lists, to download a medication list and to see a video about why it is a vital piece of your healthcare story. A printable copy of your medication list can also be found on this page in the related downloads section.

Please Note: Patients are advised not to bring large sums of money or valuables into the hospital. The hospital does not assume responsibility for patient money or valuables. Patients choosing to bring them into the hospital do so at their own risk.

It is recognized that patients will have personal items such as clothing, medications and personal support aids with them (e.g., eyeglasses, contact lenses, dentures, hearing aids, mobility aids such as canes, walkers, prostheses or wheelchairs, etc.). Halton Healthcare will not assume responsibility for these items if they are damaged or go missing. Please clearly mark all items with your name.


What To Leave At Home

Your Valuables

Please leave your valuables at home, including cell phones, iPads and laptops. The hospital is not responsible for them while you are here.

Electrical Appliances, etc.

Appliances which are not in good working order may present a fire hazard or an electrical hazard. The following personal devices are NOT permitted in the hospital:

  • Heating devices of any type, such as heating pads or portable heaters
  • Extension cords or power bars
  • Fans
  • Televisions

All allowable electrical equipment must be checked by our Biomedical Engineering Department to ensure that they are in good working order

Coming to the Hospital for Surgery: A Video for Kids

Heart Healthy Eating

Pressure Injury Prevention