Halton Healthcare takes pride in providing quality, compassionate healthcare services to our rapidly growing communities and is committed to being an innovative centre of excellence in community hospital healthcare.
The overall care and safety of our patients is our first priority. Whether you are coming for an appointment, attending a clinic at your local health centre, or visiting a loved one at the hospital, we want to do everything possible to make sure your experience with us is positive.
This section will help you to become familiar with our locations and help make your stay as comfortable as possible while you are here.
We always welcome your feedback. If you have either concerns or compliments you wish to share with us, please speak with members of your healthcare team or contact the Patient Relations office:
Email: patientrelations@haltonhealthcare.com
Telephone: 905-338-4138
Fax: 905-338-4685
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm