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Health Records (Clinical Information Services)

Our office is open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm at each of our hospital sites. We are closed on weekends and Statutory Holidays.

What is a Health Record?

A health record is a confidential compilation of pertinent facts of an individual's health history, including all past and present medical conditions, illnesses and treatments, with emphasis on the specific events affecting the patient during the current episode of care.

The information documented in the health record is created by all healthcare professionals providing care and is used for continuity of care.

(Canadian Health Information Management Association)

Request Personal Health Records

To request a copy of your personal health information (health records) you must provide the following:

    • Consent directed to Halton Healthcare, specify hospital site.
    • Name of recipient (person or company to whom the information may be disclosed).
    • Treatment/Visit date (if the exact date is unknown please provide an approximate range).
    • Patient name, date of birth and health card number (if available).
    • Purpose of request (i.e. further treatment, legal request, family records, etc.).
    • Handwritten signature of the patient or handwritten signature and printed name of the substitute decision maker (SDM), parent-guardian or legal representative, if applicable.
    • Handwritten signature and printed name of the individual who witnessed the signing of the form.
    • Please note, digital signatures are not accepted, you must print the form and sign.
    • Date of authorization (within 90 days of request).
  1. Government issued photo ID with proof of signature (driver’s license, passport, etc.).
  2. NON- REFUNDABLE prepayment (if required – see fee schedule below).

Please download and complete the Authorization for Disclosure of Personal Health Information form. Once you have completed the form, please fax or mail it, together with government issued photo ID and prepayment, if applicable, to the hospital where you were treated.

* Records can be picked up in person at the applicable site during regular business hours, mailed or emailed.

Should you have any questions, please call our office or send an email to roi@haltonhealthcare.com.

Please note that email communication is optional and the security of email communication cannot be guaranteed.

HospitalAddressPhone numberFax number
Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital3001 Hospital Gate
Oakville, ON L6M 0L8
905-845-2571 Ext. 6712905-338-4639
Milton District Hospital725 Bronte Street South
Milton, ON L9T 9K1
905-878-2383 Ext. 7020905-878-0498
Georgetown Hospital1 Princess Anne Drive
Georgetown, ON L7G 2B8
905-873-0111 Ext. 8237905-873-4574

Request for records for other patients

  • If you are requesting records for another person, you will have to provide proof that you have the authority to act for that person.
  • For patients who are incapable of signing a consent, a proof of legal signing authority must be provided. Proof of legal signing authority, such as the substitute decision maker, may include the patient’s legal guardian, Power of Attorney for Personal Care, spouse or partner, parent, child, sibling, other relative or in accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act and the Health Care Consent Act.

Request for copies of records of a deceased patient

  • Consent is required from the executor of the estate (with proof, copy of first and last page of will).
  • If no will exists, a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee is required.
  • Medical Certificate of Death can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar General.
  • Health Records can issue a “Proof of Death” letter, stating date of death, cause of death, hospital location and the name of the physician who completed the death certificate. This information can be used to apply for a Medical Certificate of Death.

Request for copies of diagnostic images

  • Diagnostic images can be obtained through Pocket Health by visiting www.pockethealth.com or by contacting the Diagnostic Imaging Department directly at:
    • OTMH -905-845-2571 ext.4614 fax 905-338-4379
    • MDH 905-878-2383 ext. 7023 fax 905-876-7003
    • GH 905-873-0111 ext. 8236 fax 905- 873-4593


  • Requests may be subject to a fee and pre-payment is required.

Fee Schedule (August 2024)

Request TypeFeeAdditional Cost

Circle of care request from health care facilities or physicians for continuity of patient care

Visit History

Letter to confirm visit/details
Personal Use
Legal/Legal Aid
Office of the Children’s Lawyer
Best Doctors
Criminal Injuries Board
WSIB Appeals Tribunal
Canada Pension Plan
$33.90** (first 20 pages)$0.28** per page thereafter
$0.57** per page (microfilm)
College$0.28** per page 

*Fees subject to change
**includes HST

Additional pages (after 20)$0.28** per page
Microfiche copy$0.57** per page

Patient review

$7.62/15 minutes

*Fees subject to change
**includes HST

Our fee schedule is in alignment with recommendations from the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario order HO-009 from October 2010 and adheres to 2006 framework recommended by the Information Privacy Commissioner.

Time for Response

Every effort is made to complete requests in a timely manner and may vary depending on the complexity and/or urgency. In accordance with the "Personal Health Information Protection Act" PHIPA, hospitals have up to 30 days to process a request upon receipt of a complete request.

Obtaining a death certificate

  • The Health Records department does not issue death certificates. Contact The Office of the Registrar General at 1-800-461-2156 or apply online at www.serviceontario.ca.

Obtaining a birth certificate or replacement

  • The Health Records department does not issue birth certificates.
  • Contact The Office of the Registrar General at 1-800-461- 2156 or apply online at www.serviceontario.ca.
  • Replacement birth certificates do not require copies of health records.

Having your baby at Milton District Hospital?


Cold and Flu Season


What to Bring