Personal Information Banks
A "Personal Information Bank" (PIB) is a collection of personal information that is organized and capable of being retrieved by an individual name or other identifiers, such as a unique patient number or employee number.
A request for information in a PIB can only be made by the individual to whom the information belongs or their legal representative.
Master Patient Index
Location: Meditech System, Clinical Information Services
Legal Authority: Public Hospitals Act, Personal Health Information Protection Act
Information maintained: Name, demographic/contact information, Medical Record number, Health Card number, visit date, discharge date, visited a location and type & attending physician.
Uses: To maintain a record of all patient encounters & link to the clinical record to provide medical treatment, manage patient billing systems, hospital foundation fundraising, patient satisfaction surveys and comply with regulatory reporting requirements.
Users: Medical and Clinical Staff, Registration and Clinical Records staff.
Individuals in bank: Patients
Retention: Permanent
Board Contact List
Location: Office of the CEO/Board Liaison
Legal Authority: The Corporations Act
Information maintained: Names and contact information
Uses: Manage board meetings and functions
Users: Senior Management Team, Board Directors, Hospital Foundations, Hospital Volunteer Associations, CEO/Board Liaison.
Individuals in bank: Board Directors
Retention: Permanent
Register of Board Directors
Location: Office of the CEO/Board Liaison
Legal Authority: The Corporations Act
Information Maintained: Name, contact information and date of birth
Uses: annual submission of public information to Revenue Canada
Users: CEO/Board Liaison, Revenue Canada
Individuals in bank: Board Directors
Retention: Permanent
Board Nominations
Location: Office of the CEO/Board Liaison
Legal Authority: The Corporations Act
Information Maintained: Resumes of potential Board Directors
Uses: A review of applicants for upcoming Board positions
Users: The Board Nominations Committee, external search consultants
Individuals in bank: Board Directors
Retention: Permanent
Patient Billing Records
Location: Finance
Legal Authority: Public Hospitals Act
Information Maintained: Name, demographic/contact information, Medical Record number, Health Card number, visit date, discharge date, visit location and type, billing amounts.
Uses: To bill and collect patient accounts.
Users: Accounts Receivable Staff
Individuals in bank: Patients
Retention: 10 years
Payroll Records
Location: Finance
Legal Authority: Income Tax Act
Information Maintained: Name, demographic/contact information, payroll and benefit data
Uses: To manage the payroll process
Users: Payroll staff, Finance staff, Human Resources staff
Individuals in bank: Employees
Retention: 7 years
Employee Personnel Records/Contracts
Location: Human Resources
Legal Authority: Employment Standards Act, Canada Revenue Agency Act
Information Maintained: Name, contact information, social insurance number, date of birth, marital status, emergency contact information, citizenship/immigration status, qualifications and experience, references, banking information, salary and benefits information, other employment information.
Uses: To administer the employment relationship
Users: Human Resources staff, Employees' Manager
Individuals in bank: Employees, beneficiaries, emergency contacts, employee references
Retention: 7 years after termination of employment
Volunteer Records
Location: Volunteer Departments
Legal Authority: Individuals consent
Information Maintained: Name and contact information
Uses: Manage the volunteer services
Users: Manager; Coordinator and Administrative Assistant of Volunteer Services
Individuals in bank: Volunteers
Retention: Permanent
Benefits/Pension Management
Location: Human Resources, Hospital of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP), Sun Life Financial
Legal Authority: Public Hospitals Act, Pension Benefits Act, Canada Pension Plan
Information Maintained: Name, contact information, date of birth, employee number, dependent status, start date, termination date if applicable
Uses: To administer benefit and pension plans
Users: Sun Life Financial, HOOPP and Human Resources staff
Individuals in bank: Current and former employees, beneficiaries
Retention: To be determined
Employee & Physician Occupational Health and Safety
Location: Occupational Health and Safety Department
Legal Authority: Public Hospitals Act, Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Personal Health Information Protection Act
Information Maintained: Name, contact information, date of birth, gender, employee number and termination date if applicable, social insurance number, personal physician's contact information, other employment information
Uses: To administer the employment relationship
Users: Occupational Health and Safety Staff and Physician(s)
Individuals in bank: Employees, personal physicians of employees
Retention: To be determined
Recruitment Records
Location: Human Resources
Legal Authority: Public Hospitals Act, Employment Standards Act, individuals consent
Information Maintained: Name, contact information, qualifications and experience, references, date of birth and photo identification
Uses: To administer the hiring process
Users: Human Resources Staff, hiring Managers
Individuals in bank: Candidates, references
Retention: To be determined
Patient Complaint and Compliment Records
Location: Quality and Patient Relations Office
Legal Authority: Public Hospitals Act; Regulated Health Professions Act, Excellent Care For All Act
Information Maintained: Name, date of birth, gender, employee/physician/patient number, employment information, financial information, details of the issue and related documents.
Uses: Review and resolve patient concerns and questions and share their recommendations, suggestions and compliments to staff and physicians.
Users: Director of Quality and Patient Relations; Patient Relations Advisor; Administrative Assistant.
Individuals in bank: Patients, staff, physicians, individuals external to the hospitals.
Retention: 15 years
Patient/Visitor Incident Reports
Location: Quality and Patient Relations Office
Legal Authority: Public Hospitals Act, Excellent Care for All Act
Information Maintained: Names, for patients, unique Medical Record number, date of birth, for visitors - contact information
Uses: Analysis to identify opportunities for improvements, tracking incidents and issues across the corporation
Users: Director of Quality and Patient Relations; Patient Relations Advisor; Patient Safety/Accreditation Coordinator; Administrative Assistant
Individuals in bank: Patients and visitors
Retention: 15 years
Affiliated Physician Files
Location: Medical Staff Office
Legal Authority: Public Hospitals Act
Information Maintained: name, contact information, qualifications
Uses: Manage Halton Healthcare medical staff credentialing and appointment process
Users: Director of Medical Affairs, Chief of Staff and their Administrative Assistants
Individuals in bank: Physicians
Retention: Permanent