Laboratory Services
Hematology: The study of blood cells and plasma in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of a wide variety of clinical disorders, include anaemia, leukemia, hereditary diseases, clotting defects and chemotherapy.
Biochemistry: The analysis and measurement of blood and body fluids in both health and disease. Testing menus include routine chemical (glucose, calcium), enzymatic (heart enzymes) and immunoassays (hormones, infectious disease markers).
Point of Care: Point of Care Testing (POCT) is the performance of laboratory analytical tests, by various operators, at the point of patient care (i.e. blood glucose monitoring). New and improved technology and portable laboratory testing instruments are making it possible for laboratory testing to be performed faster and closer to the patient.
Transfusion Medicine: Blood grouping and providing compatible blood cells and other blood components for surgery, trauma cases and supporting patients during chemotherapy and end stage disease.
Microbiology: A variety of specimens are tested from patients suspected of having infections. Organisms isolated are identified and their reaction to antibiotics is tested. Regular monitoring of our inpatient populations and all patients transferred from other institutions provides valuable information for the Infection Prevention and Control program.
Surgical Pathology: Tissue specimens removed during clinic visits, surgery and at autopsy may be processed and examined for cellular abnormalities. This discipline requires special equipment and hazardous chemicals and solutions.
Cytology: Cytology involves the microscopic examination of cells collected from organs in the body to detect and diagnose precancerous changes, cancer and some infections. The most common test in Cytology is the Pap smear, used to detect cervical cancer at an early, treatable stage. Cytological evaluation often provides a diagnosis of disease without the need for surgery.