The Art of Healing

Throughout the spaces in our hospitals, pieces of art are on display to enhance the healing environment and support patient and visitor wellbeing.

Art Council

The OTMH Art Council serves to create an environment that promotes physical and emotional healing and values the therapeutic effects of art. With leadership from individuals representing the cultural community, the Art Council promotes interaction and connection with art to support holistic health.

Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital's 1.6 million square feet of space provides opportunities to display moving, inspiring and supportive works of art. The Council builds on the hospital’s existing collection and works with artists, collectors and benefactors to create a space of healing.

Support Our Work

We rely on your generosity to bring arts into our healthcare setting. If you have a passion for healthcare and the arts, please consider supporting the OTMH Art Council in one of the following ways:

If you are an artist or collector and would like to donate or loan a work of art, please contact us by downloading and filling out the form(s) and submitting them by email to

Click here if you would like to make a monetary contribution to support our work.


The OTMH Art Council is a benefactor of the Oakville Cultural Grants administered by the Oakville Arts Council.

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An Exhibition of Contemporary Art

Grounded is our most recent hospital exhibition, organized through the OTMH Art Council by curator Shannon Anderson. Each exhibition is a year-long project that brings together local and regional artists whose work resonates along particular themes connected to the hospital environment. Grounded considers the complex relationship between people and nature, and the importance of maintaining this connection.

Halton Healthcare Art & Healing Program at the new Oakville Hospital

Bringing Art to Youth Living with Mental Illness

Close to Home Exhibition Virtual Tour